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Book Variations Type: PaperBook

Book Category: Secondary

Books Everyone Should Read: No

Author: Ushe Nyika

Language: English

Year: 2020

Publisher: Gramsol

ISBN: 978-1-77929-767-9

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Metal Technology and Design Form 3



Metal Technology and Design Form 3

The Metal Technology and Design Gramsol Series are designed for form 1-4 learners. Practical, theory and problem solving approach will be at the centre of implementing this series. The series embraces inclusivity in the learning and teaching of Metal Technology and Design. It sets out to promote desirable enterprise, recreational and other life skills relevant in contemporary society. It also enables learners to explore numerous Metal Technology and Design career opportunities. The Gramsol Metal Work and Designed series is embedded with the following features to support teaching and accelerate the learning process. The Metal Technology series shows in-depth information on the new curriculum according to needs and wants of the Ministry of Education in Zimbabwe. The series according to the ministry of Education helps learners to develop skills in problem solving, analytical thinking, decision making, leadership, planning and designing, enterprising and communication

  • Metal Technology books have diagrams and relevant illustrations which helps the learner understand more on the various topic that covered in the entire series.
  • ICT links are also provided to give the learners more literature on the various topic that are covered in the series.
  • There are objectives which help the learner know what they will learn and what they are expected to do at the end of each unit
  • For self-assessment Gramsol Metal technology series provides learners with the end of unit exercises end of topic tests as well as end of term tests.
  • The glossaries are at the end as well as the index which helps to make reference much easier.
Principles of individuality, teamwork, wholeness and stimulation must be applied to enhance both learning and teaching process.

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