English Form 4

English 4
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  • Author
    David Mungoshi
  • Category
  • Year
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  • ISBN

About Book “English Form 4"

The Gramsol English series support students in mastering fluency and vocabulary needed to proceed successfully through the secondary education curriculum framework. It clearly addresses key linguistic aspects which are language structure, language use and usage, registers, composition and creative writing. The Gramsol English series is embedded with the following features and approach to support teaching and accelerate the learning process.

  • Enhance learners’ ability to use suitable vocabulary and strengthen pronunciation through practising new words and glossary.
  • For self-assessment tasks and exercises are appropriate, balanced in number and congruent with the instructional strategies and learning targets.
  • Secure knowledge through the learner-centred approach by discussing concepts in a fun and engaging way.
  • To help students recognize the objectives of the chapter/ units and reflect on what they have learnt a range of varied and meaningful activity is provided.
  • It is important to note that a multi-sensory learner-centred approach is to be adopted to the learning and teaching process.

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Customer Reviews

English Form 4
David Mungoshi
