History Form 1
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Edward SabetaCategory
About Book “History Form 1"
Gramsol History book series provides learners with sufficient content which effectively address the new curriculum core elements. It helps the learner with the means in which they will develop a historical view of Zimbabwe, Africa, and the broader World. It also fosters an understanding and appreciation of historical transformation of societies through space and time and raises awareness on issues concerning population, human rights, democracy empowerment gender sensitivity and Unhu/ Ubuntu/ Vumumhu. The Gramsol History series is embedded with following features and approach to support teaching and accelerate learning process.
- The content sequence is appropriate and accurate. It is arranged in suitable learning chunks which can be used flexibly.
- For multiple perspectives and balanced viewpoints on issues there are case studies to study and analyse.
- To encourage and facilitate students to read extensively there are related ICT links selected for further reading.
- To help students recognise the objectives of the chapter/ units and reflect on what they have learnt a range of varied and meaningful activity is provided.
- For self-assessment tasks and exercises are appropriate, balanced in number and congruent with the instructional strategies and learning targets.
- An index is included to make easy reference.
- It is crucial to note that the content and illustrations in Gramsol History series does not carry any form of discrimination on the grounds of gender, age religion, culture and disability.
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