Food Technology Form 2

Food 2
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  • Author
    Tatenda R Murefu & Njabuliso Ncube
  • Category
  • Year
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN

About Book “Food Technology Form 2"

The Gramsol Food Technology series provides learners with good content which effectively address the new curriculum core elements and enables the learners to acquire basic food and kitchen principles for application in life. It is designed to equip students with innovative food preparation processes and covers on food nutritional and the importance of food service. It also lays the foundation for further studies in food-related professions in nutrition, health, food production and hospitality industry. The Gramsol Food Technology series is embedded with the following features and approach to support teaching and accelerate the learning process.

  • There is an appropriate balance between depth and breadth in the treatment of the new curriculum Food Technology content.
  • For self-assessment tasks and exercises are appropriate, balanced in number and congruent with the instructional strategies and learning targets.
  • To allow the learner to practice there are through exercises and tests in each unit.
  • There are adequate example and detailed illustrations which helps the students to understand better.
  • To encourage and facilitate students to read extensively, there are related ICT links selected for further reading.
  • An index is included to make easy reference.

Principles of individuality, teamwork, wholeness and stimulation must be applied to enhance both learning and teaching process.

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Customer Reviews

Food Technology Form 2
Tatenda R Murefu & Njabuliso Ncube
