Agriculture Form 3


This book covers a wide array of topics on the subject of agriculture. Experts wrote the book in the subject to cover syllabus requirements outlined in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education new curriculum. The Gramsol Agriculture series is designed to support the learner and make learning interactive and enjoyable. Gramsol Agriculture covers theory […]


This book covers a wide array of topics on the subject of agriculture. Experts wrote the book in the subject to cover syllabus requirements outlined in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education new curriculum. The Gramsol Agriculture series is designed to support the learner and make learning interactive and enjoyable. Gramsol Agriculture covers theory and practical activities in areas such as soil, water, crop farming, animal husbandry and agri-business. The Gramsol Agriculture series is embedded with the following features and approach to support teaching and accelerate the learning process.

  • Stimulate and build fluency in students as they conduct practical activities
  • Assist students in developing visual thinking through visuals and practical activities.
  • Visual thinking enables students to understand better.
  • Secure knowledge through the learner-centred approach by discussing concepts in a fun and engaging way.
  • Establish new knowledge through the use of ICT links
  • Detailed diagrams and relevant illustrations which helps the learner understand more on the various topic that covered in the entire series.
  • To help students recognise the objectives of the chapter/ units and reflect on what they have learnt a range of varied and meaningful activity is provided.

Principles of individuality, teamwork, wholeness and stimulation must be applied to enhance both learning and teaching process


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